Gas actuators

Gas actuators

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Gas actuators

Fahlke offers various combinations of gas actuators versions as well as standard control units for closing, opening and adjusting or customized solutions to the specific requirements of the object. Fahlke gas actuators can be equipped with a range of safety equipment such as multi spring technology, LBC – gas leakage control system.

The GAZ actuator concept is based on low or high pressure control units which are operated via a pressure limiting valve or by simple solenoid valves. Fahlke gas actuators are made of fully welded cylinder technology and control units under direct pressure from the pipeline without the need for pressure reducers. As a result the drive units are compact, small in size and above all work faultlessly. Safety is ensured by fully welded and maintenance free cylinders, which eliminates the problem of leaks. Both Fahlke double action and spring return are filled with grease so they do not need maintenance and are fully watertight. Such actuators designs and special Fahlke adaptive sleeves allow installation on all 90 ° valves in a few minutes.

Construction of control unit

Fahlke is the only manufacturer that uses its own production control units in its actuators. The modular MCE technology used by Fahlke makes it possible to design control units that meet high automation requirements.

The unique control unit design allows for the integration of various types of active components such as hand pumps, high and low pressure pilots, LBC systems, electromagnetic valves and more.


All information about the MCE Fahlke system can be found in the section entitled “Fahlke actuator concepts” or please contact your Fahlke representative in Poland.