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Stream Flo Hydraulic Self-Contained, Spring-Fail Closed Emergency Shutdown (ESD) is used for the automatic closing of gate valves on wellheads and flow lines under emergency conditions. The system consists of a hydraulic actuator, a manual hydraulic pump and control assembly, and a reverse-acting gate valve. The system can be tripped by several means. The most common mean is a pressure pilot which trips the system when it senses pressure fluctuations outside of the specified control range.

Operating parameters:

Aviable dimmensions: 1 13/16” to 11”

Maximum working pressure up to 20.000 psi

Temperature range from -60° to +345° C

Material class from AA to HH

Product operating level (PR) 1 and 2

Product specification level (PSL) 1,2,3G and 4



Device can be closed as follows:

High or low pressure pilot

Pipeline explosion detector


Temperature sensors

Fire sensors

SCADA signal

And other


Options and equipment possibilitiies:

Tee to connect the medium pressure line to the pressure pilot

Pressure pilot mounting valve

Device for opening / locking the ESD system

Limit switches

Electro-hydraulic pump unit

Remotely mounted pump unit

Position indicator guard (bar)

Anti-theft case


Specification compliance :

ISO 9001

API 6A @Q1


Certificate of conformity according to directive 97/23/EC